Entries by tul_team

Bizzare Business Ideas in Lapland

by Tiina Mäki-Petäjä “What does it take to start your own business?”” How can a washing machine and a deck of cards can help you solve your (business) problems?!” These questions were answered in the Bizarre Business Event English track hosted by Skills2Scale project. The event encouraged and inspired students from University of Lapland and […]

Lapland Robotics – Best practice at Lapland University

Lapland Robotics is a cooperative project between the Lapland University of Applied Sciences and the University of Lapland. The project’s goal is to integrate robots, artificial intelligence, and digital twins into Lapland’s low-carbon society while also greatly increasing the region’s innovative capability in the creation of low-carbon and energy-efficient processes, goods, and services. The project’s […]

Webinar – Intersecting Horizons: Physics, Internet of Things (IoT), and 5GWebinar @ Uzhhorod National University

On Tuesday, March 26, as part of the international scientific project “Deep Tech Empowerment for Higher Education Institutions” Skills2Scale, a webinar titled “Intersection of Horizons: Physics, Internet of Things (IoT), and 5G” took place. The event was initiated by representatives from the Faculty of Physics, involving collaboration from five faculties of the Uzhhorod National University. […]

Open SDK for the development of (B)5G Network Applications

Author: Regel Gonzalez Usach, UPV A Network Application or Network App is a software piece that interacts with the control plane of a (B)5G network by consuming exposed APIs in a standardized and trusted way, to compose and offer services built upon network functionality to authorized applications. This way, Network Apps can allow application and services to be network-aware, […]

Open source technologies for deploying a lab-grade 5G environment

Author: Alejandro Fornés Leal, UPV This best practice aims at presenting a set of open source tools that can be utilized for deploying a lab-grade 5G network. They can be used for different purposes, for instance, (i) as practical lessons for HEI courses, (ii) to contribute to the research over specific 5G hardware or software […]

Active Arctic

Digital environments and solutions supporting the well-being and business of sparsely populated areas Unique geographical and demographic characteristics, such as long distances, an aging population, and limited accessibility, shape Lapland’s operational landscape. However, these challenges also present opportunities for Lapland to specialize and become a model region for addressing remote location challenges through digital solutions […]

Innovation Hub East at the Technical University of Liberec

by Jana Šimanová On Friday, 1st March 2024, Deans Jaromír Moravec and Aleš Kocourek and CxI Director Miroslav Černík welcomed guests from the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Urban Mobility – Innovation Hub East at the Technical University of Liberec. Since May last year, TUL has been part of the European Innovation Network […]

Innovation Hub East at the Technical University of Liberec

by Jana Šimanová We are proud to announce that on Friday, 1st March 2024, Deans Jaromír Moravec and Aleš Kocourek and CxI Director Miroslav Černík welcomed guests from the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) Urban Mobility – Innovation Hub East at the Technical University of Liberec. The guests from EIT were mainly interested […]

A webinar titled: “How can one effectively showcase their startup during a pitch?” was conducted at Uzhhorod National University (UzhNU)

On Thursday, February 29th 2024, the Startup Center of Uzhhorod National University initiated a webinar aimed at students, graduate students, and young researchers on the topic: “How can one effectively showcase their startup during a pitch?” Approximately 50 students and young scholars from five structural units, namely the dental, physical, and biological faculties, the faculty […]

5G and Entrepreneurship Ecosystem at the University of Lapland

Author: Laura Ulatowski The Arctic Centre, University of Lapland hosted as part of the EIT HEI SKills2Scale project, a peer learning event in Rovaniemi, Finland. The objective of the event was to share experiences and best practices in the fields of education, research, and innovation to foster inspiration among Higher Education Institution (HEI) administrators to […]