Active Arctic
Digital environments and solutions supporting the well-being and business of sparsely populated areas
Unique geographical and demographic characteristics, such as long distances, an aging population, and limited accessibility, shape Lapland’s operational landscape. However, these challenges also present opportunities for Lapland to specialize and become a model region for addressing remote location challenges through digital solutions supporting well-being

The Active Arctic project has identified crucial needs within the welfare sector, laying the groundwork for appropriate technologies and digital solutions. Employing service design methods, collaboration, and leveraging strengths are pivotal in developing operational environments and innovative business models.
The project has facilitated the adoption of digital services among welfare SMEs in Lapland, raising awareness through programmes such as Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) ecosystem model and Wellbeing Technology Fairs. Despite Lapland’s strong background in public sector healthcare services, technologies find wider application in other sectors. Nevertheless, Lapland possesses expertise in remote well-being services and virtual reality (VR) technologies, offering potential for technological integration into SME services.
The DIH Roadmap outlines strategies for supporting digital transitions, emphasizing VR and XR technologies and promoting cooperative models among stakeholders. It aims to provide comprehensive support services for SMEs in the well-being sector, including digital transition, innovation, and commercialization support.
Recommendations include creating spaces for SMEs to experiment with technology, raising awareness about digital potentials, enhancing digital skills, and integrating digital competence into educational programs. Elevating virtual reality as a flagship technology and leveraging Lapland’s strengths and existing technology are vital for well-being development.

In conclusion, coordinated efforts to enhance digitalization, raise awareness, and develop digital skills are essential for Lapland’s welfare sector to thrive amidst ongoing reforms and changing landscapes, ultimately fostering sustainable growth and innovation in the region.

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